Radio News Portfolio


From February 2018-June 2019, I have been lucky to freelance as a broadcast journalist at Gem Radio News alongside my studies. In the role, my duties included:
  • Adapting press releases into audience targeted news stories
  • Liasing with company communications managers to source interviews to broadcast
  • Conducting and editing said interview clips, and then producing the accompanying copy to be read.
  • Collect VoxPops in the City Centre to react to viral stories, such as plans to ban plastic straws (an example heard below) 

While I was not a bulletin reader for the station, clips and copy I have sourced can be heard in this Radio News Reel below: 

I was also expected to gather video content when covering stories out of the office. This encouraged my skills as a digital journalist, and allowed me to realise production of quality content with a smartphone.

Gem is a station with an East Midlands, female oriented audience. So from the moment of sourcing a story to finishing the edit or social media post, I had to consider my local target audience.

I covered stories ranging from; abortion protests, preterm babies, local festivals, underage sexting and the Boxing Day sales.

But my favourite examples of stories I worked for at Gem Radio News can be seen below.

Outside of Gem, I've also produced Radio News stories for my broadcast journalism course (also to an East Midlands audience).
This story on Nottingham's new electric taxis was nominated for a CBJ Award. A story covering The Independent Group's formation from a Nottingham perspective. More radio clips are featured on my Soundcloud.

My dissertation was also a radio news documentary on the decline of GCSE Music. 

I also newsread for three years on student radio station Fly FM.


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